Why the right Financial Advisor can make all the difference

Why the right Financial Advisor can make all the difference
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Bhupinder Anand is Managing Director of Anand Financial Architecture, based in London. Alongside 'Anand Wills and Trusts', he connects law, tax and financial planning to provide a holistic, one-stop, Estate Planning service. In this special iMoney Show series, Bhupinder helps us navigate some key areas of personal finance management.

*Please Note: Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. All investments can fall as well as rise in value and you can lose some or all of your money. Additionally, this podcast does not constitute an investment recommendation.

Episode 1

If you want solid, professional advice on what is the best option for your money, a financial advisor can be the answer. Part counsellor, part financial professional, and part advisor, a financial advisor can help you realise your money goals by explaining the different investment options available. Bhupinder Anand, Founder of Anand Financial Architecture Ltd, explains more on how to go about finding the right fit.

Episode 2

Let’s talk Life Insurance and why it’s important

In this episode, the financial planning expert explains what makes Life Insurance so important. Put simply, it is a policy that pays out a lump sum to your loved ones if you pass away during the time you’re covered. You can decide the length, type of contract and cover amount. So what do we need to do to plan for ourselves and family.

Episode 3

Pensions Checklist: A jargon busting session on picking the best one

Confused by all the pension jargon out there? Bhupinder Anand decodes some of the key terms and words associated with pensions. Some defined benefit pensions let you pay extra each month and that is counted as if you have paid into the pension scheme for more number of years. Here’s a jargon busting session to help us make up our mind about the best pension option for us.

Episode 4

Making a will made easy with these handy tips

We all know that it is important to make a will, whether or not we own many possessions or much money. However, many of us put off this exercise due to several factors. The effort and charges involved in drawing up a will vary between solicitors and also depend on the complexity of the will.

In this episode, Bhupinder Anand tackles wills to explain how we can all save time and reduce costs in pursuit of this important document. He also offers some handy tips on all the key points that should be considered for inclusion in our will.

Episode 5

All you need to know about Inheritance Tax

When we die, we like to imagine that we can pass on our assets to our loved ones for their use and ease. In order for them to benefit fully from our assets, it is important to consider the impact of Inheritance Tax.

In this episode, the financial advisor takes you through all the key considerations around this tax in the UK, including practical advice on how to efficiently manage the amount of Inheritance Tax to be paid on the assets you would like to leave behind for friends and family.

Episode 6

What can a Living Trust do for me?

In this episode, the focus is on Estate Planning, Family Asset Trusts and Wills, to ensure that people you love are looked after when you’re no longer there to look after them.

Everybody wants to protect their assets for the benefit of their loved ones. People are motivated to provide for their children and grandchildren throughout their lives and want what is best for them. There are a few ways to prepare for this, a Living Trust being one.

Episode 7

All you need to know about a Lasting Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) ensures that people you have appointed can manage your financial life on your behalf, should you be unable to manage your own affairs. LPAs are the focus of this episode, as Bhupinder Anand explains how they can save a great deal of money and distress, safeguarding your affairs in any eventuality – be it an accident, stroke, or Parkinson's. There is a reason why charities who care for the elderly recommend everyone plan ahead with the use of an LPA.

Episode 8

Investing your money well

Investing well is about balancing risk and reward. The unprecedented challenges facing the world economy have many savers looking to reduce risk exposure. While it’s true the amount of return you can get depend on how much risk (and losses) you are willing to accept, great investors make their living by balancing these forces. In this episode, the focus is on a structured approach to present a range of options based on zero, low or medium risk.

Episode 9

All about tracker funds & how they work

Tracker funds, also known as index trackers, are one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways you can invest. They were first introduced in the US in the 1970s and came to the UK in the 1980s. Tracker funds have really taken off in the last decade or so, and have become one of the most popular ways for private investors to get involved in the stock market.

In this episode, we learn about tracker funds. When you invest in an index tracker, your money is pooled with other investors’ into a fund, and together you all then own a certain set of investments.

What investments sit in your chosen fund will be dictated by the particular index it is designed to track.

Episode 10

What makes property a good Investment?

Bricks and mortar have long been seen as a prudent way to invest with the phrase 'an Englishman's home is his castle' revealing just how deeply entrenched in our psyche property is.

That's been for good reason: property is one investment that nearly everyone has an ambition to make at some point in their lives just by buying their home. Here, we hear about the pitfalls of property investment and whether or not it’s still a good idea to invest in bricks and mortar.

Episode 11

Is Buy-To-Let a viable property choice?

Property is one investment that nearly everyone has an ambition to make at some point in their lives just by buying their home. But over the past 20 years or so, the popularity of buy-to-let as a way to get additional exposure to the property market has grown substantially.

In this episode, we look into the risks involved with this type of investment from a taxation point pf view.

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