A healthy warming soup to beat the unseasonal chill

A healthy warming soup to beat the unseasonal chill

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Ever felt like you don’t want to have soups because they are boring and bland? And yet over winter you want to eat something that will warm you up and keep you full?

You’ve got to try this Spicy Broccoli Soup which my clients love. It’s a simple delicious and nutritious recipe. Plus, given the rising cost of everyday foods, this uses inexpensive ingredients.

Do try this recipe, adding your favourite herbs and spices. The chilli gives it a little kick! That will definitely warm you up.

Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for iGlobal, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.


A healthy warming soup to beat the unseasonal chill
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