Want to lose 10kg without having to diet? Yes, you can

Want to lose 10kg without having to diet? Yes, you can
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Can you imagine losing almost 10 kilograms without having to diet? And also, finally not having aches and pains?

Rathy did just that and here I want to share her experience as an inspiration. At the start of her journey, she:

  • Tried losing weight but couldn’t

  • Had suffered from backaches

  • Got frequent headaches

  • Had high blood pressure

  • Felt tired and had low energy

Does any of this resonate with you, where you feel the same way too?

After consulting with her doctor, who told her she should lose weight as her blood pressure was high, she knew she had to do something. But the problem was she struggled to motivate herself when doing it on her own.

She joined my programme at the beginning of this year as it was one of her New Year’s resolutions to improve her health and fitness.


Want to lose 10kg without having to diet? Yes, you can
Common mistakes on your road to weight loss to be avoided

It’s six months since she joined and Rathy is an inspiring woman, who at 63 years old did not let her age or lack of time be an excuse for not getting healthier. She focused on making changes and has seen amazing results:

  • She’s lost almost 10 kilos

  • Inches all over the body

  • Her clothes are now loose for her

  • No backaches

  • She doesn’t need to take paracetamol

  • Has more energy now

  • Feels like she’s in her 40s

After seeing how simple yet effective the program was, she then decided to continue.

How she did it?

Since she started, she has made great strides in all aspects of her health. Over this time period she became more organised, ate less junk food, started eating healthy meals and became more active.

She has gained a wealth of knowledge, like how to read supermarket labels and most importantly, strengthened her mindset.

Rathy no longer experiences backaches and has achieved her goal of losing 10kg. You can do it too!

Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for iGlobal, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.

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