One man's tryst with photography as therapy

One man's tryst with photography as therapy
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In the face of personal adversity, storyteller Ritesh S. Nigam has transformed his life in a way that inspires countless others. After a head injury abruptly ended his IT career and ushered in a period of mental health challenges, Ritesh turned to photography as a means of healing. This newfound passion not only helped him recover but also taught him to find beauty in the mundane.

Nigam's photography encourages a shift in perspective, urging viewers to appreciate the often-overlooked moments of life. His commitment to both his art and community is further exemplified by his avid cycling and charitable efforts. Notably, his London to Paris ride in 2022 raised funds for children's charities, blending his love for cycling with his desire to make a positive impact.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Nigam was also awarded the Covid Hero Award by Wokingham Council and was honoured with the Earley Mayor’s Covid Roll of Honour.

Here, in his own words, is a moving and inspiring wellness perspective…

I've always believed that life's beauty often hides in plain sight. As a photographer and mental health survivor, this truth has become my guiding light.

My journey, however, hasn't been a straight path. Once, I had a flourishing IT career, but a sudden head injury in 2013 brought everything to a grinding halt. The more I tried to fight back and improve, the more I seemed to fail. I found myself spiraling into a dark abyss of mental health struggles. There came a point when suicidal thoughts began to overpower me.


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But then I saw them - my loving family. My caring wife and two beautiful children looked at me with eyes full of unconditional love and free from judgment. Their loving gaze became my anchor. I started to take life one step at a time, one day at a time, sometimes even one breath at a time. I learned to pause, and in that pause, I found photography - a powerful tool to combat my darkest thoughts and also a powerful medium to share the beauty of nature to look back and rejoice.

Recently, one evening, during a routine walk with my wife, Aditi, I stumbled upon an unexpected canvas - a small puddle reflecting the sunset sky. As I crouched to capture the scene, my wife, amused, snapped a photo of her own.

The result? Two contrasting images: one of me, a grown man, crouching down seemingly fixated on a puddle, the other a stunning reflection of sky and silhouettes. When I shared these photos on social media, they sparked a community-wide conversation about hidden beauty in everyday life.

My journey with photography began as therapy, a way to navigate my mental health challenges. Through my lens, I learned to slow down, observe, and find joy in simplicity. Each click of the shutter became a moment of mindfulness, transforming ordinary scenes into extraordinary visions. My simple act of noticing a puddle had inadvertently taught a valuable lesson: perspective changes everything.

This experience reinforced my belief in the power of observation. I now encourage others to pause, look around, and capture the moments that often go unnoticed. Whether it's a sunset reflected in a puddle or a candid moment with a loved one, I've learned that beauty lies in wait, ready to be discovered.

As I continue my photographic journey, I remain committed to sharing these moments of everyday wonder. My work serves as a reminder that life is a series of small, beautiful instances - if only we take the time to notice them.


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In a world that often moves too fast, I hope my story is a gentle nudge to slow down and look closer. I've found that sometimes, the most profound beauty is found in the most unexpected places - even in a simple puddle on a quiet evening walk.

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