Dropping a dress size is possible at any age

Dropping a dress size is possible at any age
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Did you know that you can lose weight and get healthier at any age? I have the privilege of working with many women, who all share one common characteristic: they prioritise wellness and self-care.

Today, I want to share Laxmi's inspiring story, who successfully lost weight and achieved her goal of returning to a size 8 after 36 years. She did this in just five months by enjoying nourishing foods and adopting new habits.

Laxmi, in her mid-60s wanted to see a change. While she had always maintained a relatively healthy diet and remained active, she had been unable to drop a dress size through these efforts. She needed some help to take it to the next level. So, she joined my Wellness Membership, which was a true game-changer for her. She describes it as being one of the best investments she made.

In the programme, Laxmi did not count calories or eat "diet" foods. She continued to enjoy her traditional foods like rice, roti and curries.

And she was so happy to get over her plateau!

Laxmi's transformations are:

  • Lost 1 stone and numerous inches and wears her clothes confidently.

  • Reaching a size 8 again, something she hadn't achieved in 36 years.

  • Increased energy levels.

  • Naturally beautiful skin, resulting in a reduced need for makeup.

  • Feeling more focused and relaxed, leading to improved performance in her golf.

  • Reduced cravings.

  • Practicing mindfulness and feeling happier within herself.

So, what contributed to her success?

Healthier habits is all that she needed. 

These are the simple things that I teach, which are doable and enjoyable.

Laxmi learnt what to eat and was preparing satisfying, balanced meals that eliminated the need for excessive snacking. 

She has a variety of delicious foods and knows what to buy when reading labels. She incorporated more daily activity.

Laxmi's wellness journey has been a joyous one because it never felt like she was on a restrictive diet. Instead, she integrated her new habits into her daily life, even when dining out.

Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for iGlobal, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.


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