11 tips for make-your-own affordable salads

11 tips for make-your-own affordable salads
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With food prices increasing it's a time that many of us are being careful on what we are spending money. And, do you know that you will also save money by not wasting food, as that so commonly happens when we don't realise what we've got in the fridge and then it goes past its "Best By" or "Use By" date.

To save money when making salads you can do the following:

  1. Buy only one packet of your favourite leafy greens and use it over 3 to 4 days. This way, you will finish the packet, as most leafy greens wilt quickly and need to be eaten soon.

  2. Get leafy greens that are cheaper where you live. For instance, in some cities kale is expensive and in other cities rocket is expensive. So, use the locally grown greens like spinach which are readily available.

  3. Make the salad using left-over protein from your dinner. Can use shredded chicken, roast salmon, cooked chickpeas or kidney beans.

  4. Instead of buying dressings make it at home using extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, chopped garlic, sea salt and black pepper.

  5. Buy ingredients that are close to expiry date so have been discounted and are on sale.

  6. Buy larger packets of vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber, radish, etc which stay fresh for longer.

  7. Add grains like pasta or brown rice to bulk up and make your salad more satisfying.

  8. Include cheaper fruits like apples or pears in your salads to give them a crunchy texture.

  9. Use leftover roasted or grilled vegetables in your salads so they won't be wasted.

  10. Get the supermarket's own brand of canned beans or lentils.

  11. Grow your own herbs and you don't need a garden as herbs grow well in pots.


11 tips for make-your-own affordable salads
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I truly believe you can be both healthy and at the same time be saving money too. That's what I'm guiding my clients to do and they enjoy their lifestyle.

Start using these tips and do send me an email to let me know what you are doing to save money when preparing meals.


11 tips for make-your-own affordable salads
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Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for iGlobal, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.

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