Conservative Party will continue to look out for & support British Indians

Conservative Party will continue to look out for & support British Indians

With a summer General Election set for July 4, Ameet Jogia MBE has been working tirelessly on the campaign trail to bring his vision and commitment to the forefront as the parliamentary candidate for the Hendon constituency in north-west London.

In this iGlobal exclusive, the proactive Tory councillor and co-chair of the Conservative Friends of India (CFIN) backs the iGlobal iVOTE campaign to encourage British Indians to register to vote in time before the June 18 deadline and stresses that the Conservative Party will continue to look out for the Indian diaspora’s aspirations.


How do you feel about a summer General Election?


I feel very excited to hear that there will be an election on July 4. We have been working hard on the campaign for many months, so I am looking forward to seeing everything come together and speak to as many residents as possible whilst campaigning.


What are your top priorities for your constituency?


I am against Labour's plans to introduce a 20 per cent tax on private schools. This would disproportionately impact the British Indian and Jewish community which is incredibly unfair. Parents will not be able to absorb the costs which and this will in turn increase strain on state schools. I believe we should be encouraging aspiration. 

I'm also committed to reducing crime, especially after the horrific news of a mother in Burnt Oak. Finally, I'm in favour of supporting developments that are in keeping with the area, and opposing those which are not, such as the plans to build tower blocks over the Broadwalk centre in Edgware.  


How is the campaign going so far and what are the top issues in your constituency?


I am feeling confident about the campaign. It has been so rewarding to hear the positive response on the doorstep, and I have enjoyed meeting many members of the community. This said, it is really important that everyone goes out to vote on the day and is indeed registered to vote.

Many people are concerned about plans for new builds such as the tower blocks which would replace the Broadwalk Centre in Edgware, or the Hendon Hub which will expand the Middlesex University campus in the centre of Hendon. I stand by these residents to oppose these plans are they will threaten local businesses and they are not in keeping with the area.


Why do you feel the Conservative Party is the best choice for British Indian voters?


Having a British Indian Prime Minister is the best proof that the Conservative Party cares about British Indian people and has our interests at heart. I have been a Conservative for as long as I remember as I believe that hard work should be rewarded regardless of race or ethnicity.

The Conservative Party will continue to look out for British Indian people and support them in a future government. I can’t say the same for the Labour Party. In addition to this, I am the co-chair of conservative friends of India, throughout this role I have worked to increase the British Indian vote 


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Finally, your message to voters on our iVOTE campaign…


I can’t express enough the importance of registering to vote and going out to vote on July 4. Your voice is essential and your vote matters.

I encourage you to support the Conservative Party, and to support the plan that is working. I look forward to meeting all of you very soon!


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