Diaspora groups stage UK-wide protests in safety plea for Bangladeshi Hindus

Diaspora groups stage UK-wide protests in safety plea for Bangladeshi Hindus
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In a powerful demonstration of unity and resolve, members from the British Hindu diaspora gathered at cities across the UK over the weekend amid reports of persecution of minorities in violent clashes in Bangladesh. During peaceful demonstrations in London, Birmingham and Manchester, protesters appealed for the safety of Bangladesh’s Hindu community in the wake of the political turmoil that saw ousted prime minister Sheikh Hasina flee the country to India.

In London, around 600 members of the Hindu community gathered at Westminster to voice their grave concerns over a feared genocide in Bangladesh. The protest brought together individuals from various parts of the UK, all standing in solidarity with the persecuted minorities in Bangladesh.

The event was marked by passionate speeches and fervent calls for international intervention. Protesters held signs and chanted slogans such as "We want justice", "Stop Hindu killings", and "We want the British government to intervene as Commonwealth citizens to stop these atrocities in Bangladesh". The overwhelming sentiment was one of urgency, as speakers highlighted the severe persecution and violence faced by Hindus in Bangladesh.

"The ongoing genocide in Bangladesh cannot be ignored," one protester stated. "We are here to ensure that the world hears our plea. We need global awareness and action to protect vulnerable communities."

Similar scenes were seen in Manchester and Birmingham. Manchester’s Hindu community made an emotional appeal to British and Indian governments to intervene and put a halt to atrocities on the Hindu community while also appealing to world media for coverage and attention on the grave issue.

“I am here to express my concern for the Hindu community in Bangladesh. Our people are under a genocide. As a Bangladeshi myself, I’m here to expect our Hindu community here and around the world to come together and raise our voice and stop this violence,” said one protester in Manchester.

The groups behind these coordinated demonstrations narrowed down some primary objectives:

1. Identify and tag “Hindu Genocide” on a global scale: The protesters demanded recognition of the atrocities as genocide, urging the international community to take a stand.

2. Support from British Hindus: The gatherings also aimed to provide moral and emotional support from the British Hindu community, many of whom have family ties to Bangladesh.

3. Call for UK government Intervention: Protesters urged the UK government to leverage its influence as a Commonwealth leader to intervene and halt the violence in Bangladesh.

The events attracted an impassioned response from the crowd, with calls for justice echoing nation-wide even as similar diaspora protests took place around the world. The demonstrators emphasised the critical need for the UK, and the world, to act swiftly to prevent further bloodshed.

The protests underscored the global nature of the crisis and the responsibility of the international community to respond. As the situation in Bangladesh remains dire, the voices raised in the UK represent a crucial step in raising awareness and pressing for action.


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