British Hindus appeal for calm, community cohesion amid violent clashes

British Hindus appeal for calm, community cohesion amid violent clashes
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Amid widespread violent clashes across different cities in the UK, Hindu Council UK issued a strong condemnation of the rioting and appealed for calm. The British Hindu group has issued a detailed safety advisory aimed at promoting peace and community cohesion as it highlighted the central message of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – the world is one family…

As members of the Hindu community, we strongly condemn the senseless violence and rioting that have spread across the country, ostensibly in response to the horrific murders in Southport. These tragic events have been wrongly seized upon by those with malicious intent, using them as an excuse to spread fear and division, particularly against migrant, black and South Asian communities. Such actions are deeply troubling and entirely against the principles of dharma, which guide us to live with righteousness, compassion, and respect for all beings.

In the light of this unrest, we must remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our places of worship. Our Mandirs, which stand as symbols of peace and spiritual refuge, may also be targeted by those seeking to spread hate. It is crucial that we stay united and proactive in safeguarding our community while continuing to uphold the values that define us.

In Hinduism, the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam teaches us that the world is one family. We are all interconnected, and any harm inflicted on one part of our society is an injury to us all. The racism and hatred that have been unleashed in the wake of these murders are an affront to these values. They threaten to tear apart the very fabric of our diverse and pluralistic society, which is built on the principles of mutual respect and coexistence.

As we navigate these challenging times, let us remember our duty to uphold dharma and to stand firm in the face of adversity. By embracing unity, love, and mutual respect, we can overcome the forces of hatred and work towards a society where all are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. As Hindus, it is important to take precautions that ensure personal safety, protect our community, and safeguard our places of worship.


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Here are key steps that can be taken:

Personal Safety Precautions

• Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with news and alerts from reliable sources about any potential threats or tensions in your area.

• Avoid Provocations: Be cautious in public spaces and avoid engaging with those who may be trying to provoke or incite violence.

• Travel in Groups: When attending religious events or visiting Mandirs, especially in times of unrest, travel in groups rather than alone.

• Secure Your Home: Ensure your home is secure with proper locks, lighting, and, if necessary, security systems. Be vigilant about who you allow into your home.

Protecting Places of Worship

• Strengthen Mandir Security: Equip Mandirs with security cameras, alarms, and adequate lighting. If possible, hire professional security personnel for added protection.

• Coordinate with Local Authorities: Maintain regular communication with local police and authorities to ensure a rapid response in case of any threats to the Mandir.

• Volunteer Patrols: Organise community volunteers to monitor the Mandir premises, especially during prayer times and large gatherings.

Community Vigilance and Support

• Create Safety Committees: Form safety and security committees within the community to oversee protective measures and respond quickly to any issues.

• Share Information: Use community networks, social media, and group messaging apps to share safety information and updates with each other.

• Support Each Other: Foster a sense of solidarity within the community. Check in on vulnerable members, particularly the elderly and those living alone.


British Hindus appeal for calm, community cohesion amid violent clashes
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Emergency Preparedness

• Develop Emergency Plans: Create and practice emergency response plans, including evacuation procedures, for both homes and places of worship.

• First Aid Training: Offer basic first aid and emergency response training to community members to ensure readiness in case of an incident.

• Keep Emergency Contacts Handy: Ensure everyone has access to emergency contact numbers, including local police, fire services, and community leaders.

Legal Awareness

• Know Your Rights: Educate the local community about their legal rights and protections under the law.

• Seek Legal Advice: Have access to legal resources to address any incidents of discrimination, threats, or violence.

Promote Unity and Positive Engagement

• Engage in Dialogue: Build relationships with other religious and community groups to promote understanding and prevent conflict.

• Publicly Condemn Violence: Work with other community leaders to issue joint statements condemning violence and promoting peace and harmony.


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Stay Connected:

• Check on Each Other: Regularly check in with friends, family, and fellow community members to ensure everyone is safe and informed.

• Participate in Community Events: Strengthen community bonds by participating in religious and cultural events, which can foster resilience and mutual support.

By taking these precautions, Hindus can help protect themselves, their families, and their places of worship, while also contributing to a safer, more united community.

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