An Indian artist uses typewriter to create Mahatma Gandhi portrait

As the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is marked around the world on October 2 as Gandhi Jayanti, an Indian artist is using his unique skill to commemorate the occasion.

Indian artist A.C. Gurumurthy has been using a typewriter to create impressive portraits for more than five decades.

Gurumurthy uses his typewriter to carefully create pictures of famous politicians and figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and even US President Barack Obama.

As an avid art lover he shaped his monotonous profession into a creative one carving out the pictures of his favourite politicians and places he loves.

Gurumurthy, an ex-bank employee, said: "I can type as fast as 95 words per minute, but when it comes to art, it is something else.

"Throughout my service in the bank, I have had exhibitions of my art in the city and different places in Maharashtra. I opted for voluntary retirement in 2001 to take it up full time.

“I soon want to make my first colour portrait of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi."

The artist sketches a faint outline of the portrait before feeding the paper into the typewriter. Light and dark shades are created by applying different amounts of pressure onto a key.

Meanwhile, the National Institute of Naturopathy (NIN) in Pune in association with the Regional Outreach Bureau Maharashtra and Goa of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is organising a series of webinars starting on Gandhi Jayanti and ending on Naturopathy Day (November 18).

The webinars will be on the theme “Mahatma Gandhi – The Healer” and are intended to propagate the relevance of Gandhi’s thoughts on Health and Nutrition in the 21st century for people of all walks of life. In particular, the aim is to promote the benefits of naturopathy. A galaxy of reputed academicians, clinicians, experts on Gandhian thought and naturopaths from around the world will be among those joining the sessions.


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