The iWellness Show

How to dance your way to wellness with infinite fun moves

iGlobal Desk

Angelique Parvez, of D-Style Dance, is a multi-award-winning dance and fitness instructor. She teaches Bollywood dance to kids and adults and also Bollywood fitness and Zumba. After surviving breast cancer last year, she is even more motivated to help others keep fit in body and mind.

Episode 1

Dance and fitness

In this podcast, she lays out the many ways that can help us get fit and maintain wellness. Consuming a holistic diet is a start and dancing is not too far down the list too. Dance is not only moving to some beats or music, but it is one of the truest forms of exercise, she believes. It is a great way to get fit with infinite moves and is fun and enjoyable too.

Episode 2

Winter fitness can be fun

The winter weather can be very persuasive in making people want to curl up in front of the TV, but there are plenty of good reasons to get active during winter. The weather will help you burn more calories as your body works harder to stay warm when exercising in the cold, and you're guaranteed that the streets will be much emptier than in the summer if you want to go out jogging or cycling in the mornings or evenings.

In this episode, about this being an ideal opportunity for those who feel self-conscious about exercising in public. If you’d rather not brave the chilly temperatures, there’s no excuse for not jumping on an exercise bike or doing a workout DVD on the TV. The dark nights and cold weather can be demotivating, but the extra energy from a regular exercise regime will help stop winter lethargy.

*The information in this programme and related articles does not constitute professional medical advice. Please always consult your doctor on personal health matters.