Gary Cox of Transport Scotland and Denise Hill of Visit Scotland 
News & Views

Travel experts back diaspora’s India-Scotland direct flights campaign

iGlobal Desk

A ground-breaking initiative aimed at fostering stronger economic, cultural, and educational ties between Scotland and India took flight in Edinburgh last week.

The Direct Flight Advocacy Group Indo Scot Direct, comprising high-profile representatives from major IT companies, tourism operators, educational institutions, and aviation authorities, launched a campaign to establish direct flight routes between Scotland and India. The official launch event at the Consulate General of India in Scotland unveiled a website and survey on July 24.

Acting Consul General of India to Scotland Azad Singh said: "The Consul General of India is proud to support this initiative. Direct flights between Scotland and India will significantly enhance our cultural and economic exchanges, bringing our communities closer together.

“We see immense potential for growth in tourism, trade, and educational collaboration with the establishment of these direct routes."

Bridging the gap

The current absence of direct flight routes between any Scottish city and India represents a significant missed opportunity for enhancing connectivity and collaboration. India, as one of the world's fastest-growing economies, offers immense potential for economic growth, tourism, and cultural exchange. Establishing direct flights will not only provide convenience but also unlock substantial benefits for both nations.

Gary Cox, Director for Aviation, Transport Scotland, said: "India is a real priority market for us. We are working with airlines to incentivise them to come to Scotland. A new direct route can stimulate extra demand, and we are committed to securing a daily route."

Denise Hill of Visit Scotland added: "We've seen a huge growth in tourism post-COVID, particularly from high-spending international visitors. We are very keen to see direct flights from India, which would bring longer-staying and higher-spending visitors, further boosting our tourism industry."


Airport view

Research from both Edinburgh and Glasgow airports indicates a strong demand for direct flights between Scotland and India. The data shows a substantial increase in Indian diaspora settling in Scotland and record numbers of Indian tourists visiting the country.

However, the potential remains unstimulated without direct flights, preventing Scotland-India relations from reaching their full economic potential.

Christopher Tibbett, Aviation Director at Glasgow Airport, said: "We are very keen for a flight to India. It is the highest-demand country without a flight to Scotland, and we are determined to make it happen."

Lynsey Burns, Airline Relationship Manager at Edinburgh Airport, said: "The prospect of a direct flight route to India is so exciting and achievable. We have substantial data proving the demand, and we are committed to making this vision a reality."

Economic and cultural benefits

-        Economic Growth: Direct flights will enhance trade links, create jobs, and stimulate investment.

-        Tourism Boost: Increased tourism will benefit local businesses and showcase Scotland’s rich heritage to a wider audience.

-        Educational Exchange: Easier travel will facilitate student exchanges and academic collaborations.

-        Cultural Integration: Direct flights will strengthen the cultural ties between the two nations, promoting mutual understanding and respect.

The advocacy group is calling on all stakeholders, including airlines, government officials, business leaders, and the general public, to support this initiative. The campaign website and survey aim to gather valuable insights and demonstrate the commercial viability of the route.

Following the launch in Edinburgh, the advocacy group plans to host a follow-up event in Glasgow in early September to present the survey results and further engage with stakeholders. This transparent approach ensures that both cities receive equal opportunities and benefits from the initiative.


The Direct Flight Advocacy Group is a coalition of representatives from major IT companies, tourism operators, educational institutions, and aviation authorities, dedicated to establishing direct flight routes between Scotland and India. The group aims to unlock significant economic, cultural, and educational benefits through enhanced connectivity.

Members from the Scottish Indian diaspora include: Puneet Dwivedi MBE (Founding Member), Chetan Sharma (Founding Member), Gopalan Rajagopalan (Founding Member), Alok Singh (Support Member), Sujeet Singh (Support Member), Deepak Yadav (Support Member), Deepak Verma (Finance and Audit), Vishwanathan Panyam (Support Member), Priyaa (Advocacy Group Secretariat).