
Ready for a spring cleanse? Try this detox regime

Sujata Din

I love this time of year, the days are getting longer and warmer, it’s colourful, the trees begin to bud, bright yellow daffodils and cherry blossoms are out. We’ve just had the spring equinox and it’s the start of a new season.

In the winter months, we tend to eat more heavier or rich foods. We also move less since it's wet, cold and it gets darker earlier. But, now as we step into spring, you can reset and feel refreshed by doing a cleanse.

It’s common for us to do a spring cleanse of our homes. You can also do a spring cleanse, to lighten the load by gently detoxifying the body.

And yes, our body is always naturally detoxifying, but given all that it gets exposed to, it does need a little support. This is why doing a spring cleanse is something I recommend. So, if you’ve been feeling sluggish heavier, bloated or a little rundown these are some signs that your body is sending you, to reset and that it’s time to eat clean and live healthily.

The word detox or cleanse does scare many people because they think they’re going to be starving or having just cabbage soup or only drinking juices. But, when I guide my clients to cleanse, they are having three regular meals plus snacks, so always feel satisfied.

Here are some some suggestions to cleanse:

  • Reduce or avoid processed foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat. However much we try, these creep into our diet when we eat packaged foods. Read the labels and be informed of what the ingredients are.

  • Drink more water, having at least eight classes a day. This helps support the lymphatic system and water is essential for healthy skin, kidneys and digestive system. Start the day with some water and you can include some lemon juice squeezed into it.

  • Begin to reduce the heavy or rich foods and have more of the lighter, nutrient rich foods like fruits and vegetables. Have vegetables in a variety of ways, eg soups, salads, stir-fries or curries.

  • Have some bitter foods such as rocket, kale and dandelion leaves which you can add into your salads.

  • Include naturally detoxifying vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli.

  • Have beans and lentils that are not only a good source of fibre but also protein. Fibre is needed to support regular functioning of digestion system.

  • Spend more time outdoors going for long walks, taking in the fresh air and getting some sunshine. We do need to spend some time in the sun as the sunlight helps to create vitamin D, needed for healthy bones and immunity.

Spring is one of the ideal times to rethink about what you are eating. If you are looking for a complete guide I have a Seven Day Cleanse Program where you will learn what to do step-by-step, eating real nutrient dense foods that nourish the body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and you won’t starve because you get to eat satisfying delicious meals and have snacks too.

Sujata Din is a Certified Health Coach and Certified Professional Cancer Coach. In this regular column for ‘iGlobal’, she offers some special insights, from useful wellness tips to recipes for creations that are not only delicious but also healthy.