
Insights from the humble flute

iGlobal Desk

In this edition of his exclusive column for iGlobal, the Founder of the world-renowned Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (SRMD) spiritual organisation the explains three key virtues that a seeker needs to cultivate for his spiritual welfare using the analogy of a flute.

Once the devotee milkmaids of Vrindavan asked Lord Krishna, “What is so special about the flute that it is so dear and near to You always?” The scriptures explain the qualities of the flute that endears it to Lord Krishna.

A flute may look hollow and wholly bamboo, yet it displays valuable virtues a seeker must develop:

1.     Fortitude

It is the power of endurance due to acceptance. Not forced to bear but having a spirit to bear. The journey of the flute begins as a bamboo, realising that it must inevitably face three seasons – harsh summers, windy monsoons, and cold winters. So, it decides to accept the unavoidable gracefully, gladly, and peacefully; without any complaints.

One must see situations not as obstacles or painful ordeals but as an opportunity to grow. Exercising is not a very pleasant experience in the beginning but gradually you start building muscles. Thus, by enduring build your tolerance muscles. A good boxer is not accomplished only at giving punches, he knows how to take strong punches as well. A boxer is never discouraged by bruises but builds his endurance in the process. He who endures will grow. That flute will become near and dear to God. Bear for a higher purpose to please your Guru. Then that tolerance also becomes devotion.


2.     Flexibility

It is adjusting and adapting to the unexpected changes. Suddenly a craftsman comes to the forest and cuts this bamboo. He slices, pokes, carves, and polishes it. The bamboo realises that the craftsman has a proper plan, and that if it supports him, he will make it fit to be placed in the hands of a musician.

Similarly, Guru too has a plan for you. He puts you through the process and finally places you in the hands of the Divine. You must trust His plans. Guru does two things. Firstly, He makes you hollow of ego so that the Divine breath can flow through you. The second thing is to create holes for the Divine to dance His fingers on them. Without your support the process of hollow and holes would become a tough one. Be empty and straightforward. Have no hidden agendas, arrogance, self will, insistences, or preconceived notions. Be open for the Divine to play His music. Let the expression of your devotion and service too be of His choice and not yours. When things work according to your plan, be happy. But if they don’t, be happier because it’s according to His plan, and His plan is the best one. For this you need to be flexible and have understanding and faith. His moves will be unexpected, so adjust and adapt. You can adjust only by lowering your expectations. Have the inner view – ‘God is the musician, and I am just a flute; an instrument in His hands with hollow and with holes. His breath gives a meaning to my life.’


3.     Fulfilment

The fulfilment of the empty, hollow flute is in getting filled with the breath of the Divine musician. Without the breath, it is just an inanimate piece of bamboo. Only when His breath flows through it, there is a sense of fulfilment for the flute.

Unfilled pots make noise, not the filled ones. Similarly, those without fulfilment have the noise of negative thoughts and feelings, of complaints, demands, choices, heated arguments, etc. while the filled, the fulfilled ones are silent. They have no other desire than to offer themselves. ‘May only that melody be played through me which You like.’ Life feels sublime, complete, comprehensive in His hands. Such a fulfilled one is a happy person, and the by-product of fulfilment is love, compassion, and forgiveness. Forgiving is not an act of obliging others, but it is for cleansing your heart and creating space. So, make your mind that never minds, make your heart that never hurts and make your touch that gives no pain to others but gives only happiness.

From the flute, learn to cultivate fortitude by strengthening your tolerance muscles, flexibility by increasing the ability to adjust and fulfilment by living a God-centric life. And one day your Master will say, ‘This is my beloved devotee.’


Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji, an enlightened master and an ardent devotee of Shrimad Rajchandraji, is the founder of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (SRMD) – a spiritual organisation with 206 centres across six continents advancing the path of Lord Mahavir. In June 2024, he will be in the UK for a series of life-transforming discourses.