This Labour Party is the natural home of the British Indian community

iGlobal Desk

Hersh Thaker is among a dynamic new crop of Labour’s British Indian candidates in the fray campaigning to be elected as a member of Parliament in the July 4 General Election. In this exclusive interview with iGlobal, the young professional explains why the Keir Starmer led Labour Party is the right choice for Britain’s Indian community and spells out his priorities as the candidate for the Carshalton and Wallington constituency, south of London, and determination to make a difference as a first-time MP.

What are your top priorities for the July 4 general election campaign?

Priority 1:  To win a majority and ensure we return a Labour government and make Keir Starmer our next Prime Minister.

Priority 2: To speak to as many families, businesses, and community groups across Carshalton and Wallington as possible to put forward Labour’s positive plan for the country. This is a changed party from 2019, and it is the role of candidates like myself to represent that change. It is also an opportunity to listen to what really matters to ensure a future Labour government and local Labour councillors can deliver for the people here.

Priority 3: To build excitement for Labour in the local community and the local membership. It is really important for me to build strong momentum for local activists to continue the fight after the general elections and hold the Lib Dem controlled Sutton Council accountable.

Is the Labour Party fully aligned with British Indian aspirations?

Yes. This Labour Party is the natural home of the British Indian community. I understand why many felt unable to vote for Labour in 2019. But this is a changed party under Keir Starmer.

The ambitions and aspirations of the British Indian community are aligned with the values and ambitions of the Labour Party. We want to ensure that our children receive the best education, that work pays, that workers have the security of employment, that we create a favourable environment for responsible businesses and enterprises to thrive, and that we support our doctors and dentists by reforming and investing in the NHS. All of this is underpinned by the recognition of the importance of community, bringing others with us, and not pulling the ladder up.

Keir Starmer and David Lammy have also reiterated the importance of a strong relationship between a Labour government and India over the next decade. Labour will deliver the trade deal with India that the Conservatives have failed to get over the line.

What is your motivation behind contesting as an MP?

I am standing because I couldn’t stand back and risk another five years of a government that has nothing left to deliver apart from phoney culture wars. Our hospitals are crumbling, our rivers are being turned into toxic wastelands, our railways are prohibitively expensive, first-time buyers can’t afford homes, school budgets are at breaking point, and our high streets are in decline. Unsafe and illegal border crossings have never been higher, and we have stepped back from assuming any global leadership role in the energy transition.

For me, this election isn't just about securing a win for my party; it's about ensuring our country gets the serious leadership it needs to protect our public services, natural environment, and the future of our young people.


What are the concerns highlighted by the electorate of Carshalton and Wallington?

Like across the country, there is a feeling locally that nothing works anymore. Local people here are desperate for a plan and for investment in their local services.

Some of the key issues are:

1. NHS waiting lists and deteriorating facilities. The Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats have overseen the decline and downgrading of St. Helier Hospital in my constituency. The hospital is in a desperately poor condition, and hospital waiting lists are at record highs. NHS reform is desperately needed, and I will fight to secure the investment to keep and improve vital health services at St Helier.

2. The River Wandle in the constituency had over 320 sewage spills in 2023, which was an 80% increase over the previous year. The Conservatives have turned a blind eye to water companies that have not invested in infrastructure but have been paying our bonuses year after year whilst polluting our rivers and waterways across our country. The Labour Party have committed to bringing water companies under special measures to get a grip on this crisis; water company executives should not be profiteering whilst polluting our beloved rivers.

3. High rents and out-of-reach house prices are driving people out of the area. The NIMBY-ism of the Lib Dems and Conservatives has prevented people from getting onto the housing ladder. I will campaign to build more fit-for-purpose housing through my constituency — not tower blocks and not poor-quality new builds but high-quality family homes suited to the area. Labour has committed to an ambitious programme of house building and a new generation of modern council housing.

4. Local voters are deeply concerned about air quality and the state of our natural environment. They want reliable trains into London; they want safe local cycling infrastructure and accessible local services they can access without having to drive. This is why I am so proud to campaign for a Labour government that will be bold and smart to take advantage of the energy transition opportunities. Building GB energy, re-wiring our national grid to accelerate transport electrification and renationalising our railways to ensure value-for-money services are critical to improving air quality and living standards and protecting the environment.

5. Rising crime is a real concern locally, as it is across the country. For example, the increase in shoplifting is a direct result of the cuts in frontline police roles and the rule introduced by the Tories, which stops short thefts under £200 being investigated. Labour will remove this rule and guarantee town centre patrols by deploying 13,000 new PCSOs and neighbourhood police embedded within the community.

Finally, your message to voters...

Ask yourself, is our country really the best version of itself right now? If like me, you think we can be more than this, if you think we can be more ambitious, more hopeful and more serious, then Vote Labour on July 4th.