I want to build London’s balance sheet, says British Indian Mayoral hopeful

iGlobal Desk

Tarun Ghulati, 63, is among 13 candidates in the race to be elected the Mayor of London in the local elections scheduled for May 2. While Labour’s Sadiq Khan is contesting for a third term in office, Tory rival Susan Hall is hoping to become the city’s next Conservative Party Mayor.

The British Indian businessman contesting as an Independent candidate wants to challenge the stronghold of the main political parties, which he says have let Londoners down.

Here the Delhi-born executive based in London for over 20 years sets out his manifesto for London…

London is the most welcoming international city in the world, with a kaleidoscope of communities and villages creating a common ownership of a distinctive cultural “city on a hill” that is our London. I am proud to be a Londoner and most people I meet are too. We have something special which needs to be cared for and must not be divided or denigrated.

London is a jigsaw puzzle of pieces which fit together, and we must maintain this cohesion at all costs. We must reject theories which divide us and reinforce the bonds which hold us together.

London for every Londoner

I want a London which works for every Londoner who works and earns and gives a proportion of their earnings into the common purse. And that money is earned by nurses, shopkeepers, taxi drivers, transport drivers, and every other person who works within London to earn money that they give to that central purse. They give it on the understanding that it's to be used to look after their wellbeing is to be used to provide them with safety, security, transport and health services.

It's not to be given so that politicians can make choices and enact policies that were never even spoken about when it came to voting. I believe that the majority of people can be relied upon to make good choices and good decisions, decisions that will benefit them and benefit their children.

It's a fundamental part of democracy, that we pay taxes in order to be represented. We don't pay taxes so that politicians can go off on their own expeditions and explorations into political science and ideologies. We did not want Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ), Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) or 20mph speed limits and many other poor policies. No, it's very simple. We pay taxes so that they can look after our services. That's it.

It's simply about the efficient allocation of resources to provide services. It belongs to all of us and it should be used for our very simple requirements and needs. education, housing, health, security.  It is about having enough bobbies on the beat having the resources for police officers to do their jobs – which means making the streets safe for women to walk at night, with muggers and burglars being caught and punished.

Business & trade

London is a city that was built on trading and global business. London is a city with a long reputation of being the powerhouse the heart of the whole nation. If there's one thing that will destroy the heart of a city, it's stopping the flow of business and people.


If you slowly tighten the screws and make it harder and harder for people to travel around to their places of work, to see their families, to take their children to schools, schools of their choosing. Slowly what happens is people become imprisoned that sense of being cancelled financially as well as physically starts to creep in. The continuous increase of pressure the tightening of screws financial and emotional, commercial and intellectual the slow turning up of the flame underneath the pot in which the frog is being slowly cooked. It's absolutely guaranteed that this is a recipe for creating mental health issues for creating physical health issues slowly in the most malicious manner possible.

It's not the role of the Mayor to go out and accept unproven scientifically on evidenced theories, and then start some sort of a crusade to educate the people of London. Climate change is happening, and we need to mitigate its effects but that cannot be done by making everyone live 15 minutes from home or to penalise commuters in areas with little public transport. What changes we need to make must be paced with public opinion not imposed in an arbitrary way on wallets coping with the cost of living. We need a mayor who understands that he's there to serve the community as a whole, that the money he spends is not for his personal pet projects but is to be devoted completely and solely for the interests and the benefit. of the citizens of London. With that permission, according to their express needs and priorities.

Best people for the job

As an Independent Candidate for Mayor of London, I believe it should be all about the people. Politicians have blurred the vision for London and Londoners.


I believe in appointing the best people for roles and choosing people for the contents of their characters and capabilities rather than because they tick a quota. I view London as a unique global city, akin to the “Global Bank of the World” where diverse cultures converge to flourish. As Mayor, I will build London’s balance sheet such that it is the premier choice for investment, safeguarding safety and prosperity for all its residents.

I will transform and run London effectively and efficiently like a seasoned CEO. London will be a profitable corporate where profitability means the wellbeing of all. You will all be part of the journey.

Let’s do it for our London, our home.