
Punjabi girl wins badminton gold at Deaflympics in Brazil

iGlobal Desk

Shreya Singla, a girl from Bathinda, Punjab, has made her state and country proud by winning a gold medal in Badminton in the ongoing 24th Deaflympics in Brazil, becoming the first girl in her state to do so.

She won the medal during a team event by defeating Japan in the finals. Her family is extremely happy with her accomplishment.

Shreya said, "It was my first Deaflympics. I worked so hard and faced a lot of difficulties, but my parents supported me. I would like to thank my coach too. I want to win an individual medal at Deaflympics and one at the upcoming Asian Games too."

Her father Devender said, "This all is hard work of Shreya, she is hardworking. We got to know that she was deaf and she could not speak when she was four but it was too late. We eventually got hearing aid installed in her ears and after that she learnt to speak. This is a huge matter of happiness for Punjab and for India too."

Her mother Neelam said that her daughter was passionate about the sport since she was a kid.

Talking about her accomplishment, Neelam said, "We are extremely happy. We hope that she will perform well in her upcoming events and tournaments. She is the first girl from Punjab to win a medal in Deaflympics."

Recalling Shreya's being diagnosed as deaf, her mother said that instead of worrying about her disability, they (parents) treated her like a normal child and never made her feel that she had a disability.

The athlete urged the physically challenged athletes to keep their disabilities aside and focus on their sport, practice and to believe in themselves.
India's largest contingent of 65 athletes is playing at the event.