
Minister Jaishankar opens India-backed IT centre in Namibia

iGlobal Desk

Indian Minister S. Jaishankar inaugurated the Namibia University's fully equipped IT center, known as The India Namibia Centre of Excellence in Information Technology (INCEIT) built with Indian assistance.
The center, equipped with cutting-edge IT infrastructure, is a product of the collaborative efforts between India and Namibia in development, cooperation, and capacity-building.

"It is an outcome of the development, cooperation and capacity-building partnership between India and Namibia. And it is being pursued in line with the shared desire to develop human resources, especially of the youth, and give them the right skills in the technology domain," he said.
While addressing the inauguration event of the INCEIT, EAM Jaishankar said that it reflects the long-standing people-to-people friendship and linkages between India and Namibia.
Speaking on the trainers teaching at the INCEIT, Jaishankar informed that six master trainers from Namibia were given training in CDAC in India.
The Centre is additionally equipped with a CDAC PARAM Supercomputer with High-Performance Computing (HPC) Applications. Now, since its deployment, the supercomputer has seen the installation of numerous application software to ensure its optimum usage.
The Centre has been able to offer courses and to train more than 275 professionals, government officials from various ministries students, teachers and researchers, Jaishankar informed.
Jaishankar also appreciated a student who won a reward in a cybersecurity competition.
"I'm happy to note that a student from this very centre has won a trophy with the first position at the 6th Namibia National Cybersecurity Competition," Jaishankar said.