
Indian PM Modi inaugurates airstrip with Mauritius counterpart

iGlobal Desk

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that the ties between India and Mauritius have embraced an "unprecedented momentum " in 10 years.

Calling Mauritius an important partner for India's 'Neighbourhood First' policy, he said that the two nations have attained new heights in mutual cooperation.

He made the remarks while virtually inaugurating the new airstrip and St. James Jetty along with six community development projects at the Agalega Island with Mauritius counterpart Pravind Jugnauth. He stressed that today's inauguration of the airstrip and jetty at Agalega will further advance cooperation between the two countries while also strengthening the blue economy of Mauritius.

PM Modi expressed happiness that they are witnessing the fulfilment of the commitment that he made for the development of people of Agalega in 2015.

"In the last six months, this is the fifth meeting between me and PM Jugnauth. This is the proof of a vibrant, strong and unique partnership between India and Mauritius. Mauritius is an important partner of our 'Neighborhood First' Policy. Mauritius is our special partner under our vision 'SAGAR'. As members of the Global South, we have common priorities" PM Modi said.

"In the last 10 years, our relationship has embraced an unprecedented momentum. We have achieved new heights in mutual cooperation. Cultural and historical relations have been given a new shape. Our people are already connected by the golden threads of language and culture," he added.

Highlighting the cooperation between two nations in various sectors, PM Modi said, "Just a few days ago, we have provided modern digital connectivity through efforts like UPI and Rupay Card. Development partnership has been a significant pillar of our political relations."

He said that the development partnership between two nations is based on the priorities of Mauritius. He stated that India has always respected and fulfilled the aspirations of Mauritius.

Speaking about India's role as the first responder for Mauritius at the time of need, PM Modi said, "Our development partnership is based on Mauritius' priorities. Be it the Mauritius' EEZ security needs or the health security needs, India has always respected and fulfilled the aspirations of Mauritius. India has always respected the needs of Mauritius. Be it the crisis of Covid pandemic or oil spill, India has always been the first responder for its friend Mauritius.

"In the last 10 years, India has provided a credit line worth around 1,000 million dollar and an aid worth USD 400 million to the people of Mauritius. From metro line development to community development projects, social housing, ENT hospital, civil service college and sports complex, India has helped build infrastructure projects in Mauritius," he added.