
Path to peace is never impossible

Atul K. Shah

To declare war is easy, to practice peace requires courage and patience. We are all hurt and pained by the news but there is a practical response – prayer, meditation and sharing with family and community the possibilities of peace, here and now.

Over the last week I have been involved in a variety of events to do just that and the results have been very encouraging. One of my main resources for hope has come from the Jain tradition and its thousands of years of research and experience on peaceful living with ALL living beings, not just humans. It’s a science of inner engineering where daily practices nourish our courage and resilience and help us calm our anger & positively be kind and loving to one and all.


Visitors from North America, Dr Jasvant Modi, Dr Kamlesh Mehta and Dr Parveen Jain are doing a sterling job in helping educate the world about this ancient wisdom through philanthropy and strategic action. They have created Jain Professorships at various universities and through Arihanta Academy also offer accredited online courses to the whole world which are easy to access. Dr Sulekh Jain in USA is a rare strategist and leader who has inspired this work with the help of Dr Nitin Shah, Professor Kanti Mardia and others.

Birmingham University is one of the beneficiaries of the philanthropy and hosted their visit accepting a generous £1.5 million endowment to kickstart Jain Studies in the very heart of England. The community is fully engaged with the help of Mr Arvinder Jain who is passionate about education and has been living in Birmingham for over forty years.

Such actions and vision give all of us hope in these dark times. We too can choose to educate and empower ourselves about the science of Ahimsa – non-violence and compassion to all living beings. Let us continue to practice and celebrate Dharma courageously and wilfully. It truly is a creative science of everyday peace, mental health, equality inclusivity and contentment for the whole Universe.


Professor Atul K. Shah [@atulkshah] teaches and writes about Indian wisdom on business, culture and community at various UK universities and is a renowned international author, speaker and broadcaster.