
London’s International Centre for Sustainability: A giant leap forward in world of research & policy

Atul K. Shah

As General Election fever hits Britain, and politicians start to make all kinds of promises, as voters we can easily get confused. Should we be selfish and choose that policy which minimises our taxes? How about looking for political parties which promise better roads and safer streets? How do we know whether or not they will deliver on the promises they make? Whilst we have choice as voters, we are also asked to trust our politicians and their promises. Some policies are complex and cannot easily be understood by ordinary voters. Research shows that there are organisations called Policy Institutes or think tanks which develop policies and give them to the politicians to enact.

Whilst we have a Hindu Prime Minister, how much of our Hindu values and beliefs are imbibed by our political leaders? Do they support diversity of culture and faith, and would they protect us against fascism and racial hate crimes? Should we elect more Hindu MPs to gain more influence and power over government? These are all legitimate concerns, and individuals can often feel powerless to effect change. A new think tank in London, the International Centre for Sustainability (ICfS) has been formed to advance such questions and policy proposals, and help society to learn from the wisdom of Dharma – One meaning of Dharma is ‘the science of sustainable living’.


Dr Sachin Nandha is the Founding Director and is keen to make this a full-fledged research and policy organisation to help improve relations between India and the West, and encourage the flow of ideas and knowledge. He has a PhD from University of Nottingham and is an accomplished leader and organiser, helping to motivate people across Britain and Europe to lead an ethical and purposeful life.

The eminent economist John Maynard Keynes once said that most people’s lives are subject to the policies and decisions of some economists whom they have probably never heard of. The institutions that surround us, and the governments that rule us are strongly influenced by contemporary scientists, who develop evidence-based research and policies to support their agendas. For us to have a similar influence, we really need our own think tank.


I have personally visited and attended a fascinating seminar at the International Centre for Sustainability, which is in the heart of the City of London, a stone’s throw from Monument Station. It is a very well-designed building, welcoming and professional, and the event was superbly organised. Philanthropists have donated a lot of money to help establish this think tank, and it plans to develop high quality research and policy proposals over the coming years, and actively advise corporations and governments about sustainable development. It has a fully equipped media room, where professional broadcasts and interviews can be held, Boardrooms and Seminar rooms where group meetings and discussions can be hosted, and a lecture theatre and catering facility for larger public events. From day one, the aim is to become a professional resource base and hub for innovative thinking.


As our new generations become super-educated, such organisations are critical platforms for making the scientific policies to influence social and political life, all over the world. The location of ICfS in the heart of the City gives an added impetus to influencing the financial power nexus that dominates our lives today. From a Dharmic perspective, we want policies to uplift the lives of all living beings, not just a chosen few. We want science to be inter-disciplinary rather than siloed, and we want education to be holistic, such that the mind, body and spirit of our students are ignited.

Congratulations to the International Centre for Sustainability for making such a giant leap forward.

Professor Atul K. Shah [@atulkshah] teaches and writes about Indian wisdom on business, culture and community at various UK universities and is a renowned international author, speaker and broadcaster.