Arts & Culture

UK Telugu Hindu Organisation marks annual camp around theme of Shakti

Sharada Kamble

The much-awaited 6th Annual Parivar Shibir, organised by UK Telugu Hindu Organisation (UTHO), recently took place with much fun, enthusiasm and fervour. Over 100 Telugu families, including children, travelled from various towns and cities from across the UK to Bracknell to participate in this year's Parivar Shibir, or family camp.

UTHO – a non-profit, socio-cultural organisation – brings together the Telugu speaking community of Hindu heritage in the UK to get involved in making a difference to the community’s social life, contribute to the society through the core values of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma and live a fulfilling life.

Every year, the Shibir is held with a particular theme and the various activities within it – be it physical activities called Aatalu (games), or mentally stimulating discussions called Baudhik (intellectual discussions) – revolve around the chosen theme. This year’s chosen theme was ‘Shakti’ (energy) symbolising the energy or strengths that we all possess as individuals, families and as a community. The theme sought to explore the ways in which strength and energy could be directed towards the greater good of the society, in line with the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the whole world is one family).

The activities also included a special panel discussion titled ‘Career Connect’, which provided crucial career advice to nearly 70 students, starting from the age of twelve, which was well received by students and parents alike.

During the group activity, the teams had to quickly make-up a child participant into any Grama Devatas (village deity) using the items provided and then briefly explain the importance of that particular deity in the Hindu culture.

Swara Veenapani, renowned Telugu music director and a Guinness Book of World Records holder, graced the closing ceremony with his wonderful rendition on the three forms of Amma – namely the individual’s own mother, the mother land and the mother tongue - which aptly fitted into the theme.


Ram Vaidya, International Joint Co-ordinator for Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, further inspired the attendees in his special message to start implementing something new which they learnt or experienced through the Shibir activities.

Apart from a sumptuous Telugu meal, games and discussions, the event also provided a great opportunity for participants to learn more about UTHO’s various initiatives and its vision to build a vibrant Telugu community that embodies Hindu values of sanskar (values), sewa (selfless service), and sanghatan (unity).

The UTHO Shibir has most definitely left a lasting mark on the attendees helping to foster unity, celebration, and a deeper understanding of the Telugu Hindu culture in the UK.